DeKUT e-Learning Portal Dedan Kimathi University of Technology. To access the E-Learning portal, you must be a bona fide student of KUCT or a member of staff. This page will guide your changing your password, login into the portal and download and upload academic materials. DeKUT e-Learning Portal Through the E-Learning Centre, KUCT is preparing to […]
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT) has four campuses: the main Campus located within Nyeri county, 160 kilometers North of Nairobi city, Nyeri Town Campus located at prestige plaza and Nairobi CBD centre located on the 10th floor of union Towers at the junction of Moi Avenue and Mama Ngina Street, Marsabit Campus located in Marsabit Town. We invite applications from suitably qualified applicants for PhD, Masters Undergraduate, Diplomas and Certificate programme in our Nairobi and Nyeri town centers
DeKUT is under legal notice no. 162 of 2007 mandated to:
a) Collaborate with other institutions in furtherance of its objectives as an
education institution.
b) Participate in the discovery, transmission, preservation and enhancement of knowledge and to stimulate the intellectual participation of students in the economic, technological, scientific, profession and cultural development.
c) Provide and advance university education and training to appropriately
qualified candidates leading to the conferment of degrees, diplomas,
certificates and awards and in so doing contribute to manpower needs.
DeKUT Admission and Application Form 2024
Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT) Admission and Application Form 2024/2025. All the new students of Kenya may apply for admission in two ways. DeKUT allows government-sponsored students and private sponsored students to apply online as well as offline by downloading the application form. DeKUT Admission 2024/2025 You are required to complete one (1) copy of Form DeKUT/AA/APK&APS/FORM […]
DeKUT Admission Letter 2024
The Dedan Kimathi University of Technology (DeKUT) allows all new first-year KUCCPS students to download and print the Dedan Kimathi University admission letters from online. This admission letter is one of the important document required on registration day. DeKUT Admission Letter 2024 The KUCCPS government sponsored students are only admitted at the main campus of the Dedan Kimathi University […]