Chuka University Contacts and Location Get Full Address (All campuses). Chuka University College was established through a Legal Notice No. 161 of 2007 as a Constituent College of Egerton University and the successor of the former Egerton University Eastern Campus College. The college was officially opened on August 1, 2005, and the then Egerton University Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Ezra Maritim appointed Prof. Njoka as the Director of the new campus college.

Chuka University Location
Currently, the University has more than 15,000 students who are pursuing various courses at certificate to PhD levels.
- The University is located on the slopes of the snow-capped Mt. Kenya in Meru South,
Tharaka-Nithi County, Eastern Kenya.
- The University is situated approximately 186 km from Nairobi along the Nairobi-Meru highway at an attitude of approximately 2,000 meters above sea level. The area has a cool climate with temperatures ranging from 16o C to 24o C and an average rainfall of about 2000 mm per annum.
- This climate offers an excellent learning environment. Virtually all temperate and tropical plants grow within the region. The University is in a setting that has escaped the negative
effects of urbanization, thus providing a tranquil environment for learning and
interaction between students and staff from all walks of life, free from the hustle and
bustle of mundane activities
Chuka University Campuses
- Since inception, Chuka University has grown from strength to strength and currently
has opened five Campuses, namely: Main in Chuka, Embu in Embu Town, Igembe
near Maua Town, Chogoria in Nturiri, Tharaka in Gatunga, and Nairobi in Nairobi
City Central Business District.
Igembe Campus
- Igembe Campus for quality and affordable education for sustainable national and
global development. Igembe Campus is a public institution of Chuka University strategically
located only 3 km from Maua Town in Igembe Central Constituency in Meru County, Kenya.
- Igembe Campus was established in September 2011 in line with the Chuka University’s Strategic Plan 2012-2017 and Kenya Vision 2030’s aims of accessing quality and affordable University education to many qualified Kenyans in various parts of our country.
Embu Town Campus
- Chuka University Embu Town Campus is one of the four campuses of Chuka University. Embu campus was established in line with the Chuka University’s strategic objectives of
increasing access to University Education. The establishment of the Campus in 2011 was welcome to the communities of Embu and Kirinyaga Counties and its environs.
- Embu campus is located 100 m from the Embu County Assembly hall, off Embu-Meru highway.
Chuka University Contacts
Tharaka Nithi County
Meru South District
Chuka Division
Karingani Sub – Location
Ndagani Market
Ndagani Market along Nairobi – Meru Higway, just 2 Km after Chuka Town
Chuka University,
P.O. Box, 109 – 60400,
- 020 232 9073 (Registrar Academic)
- 020 202 1721 (DVC – ARSA)
- 020 232 9079 (Student Finance)
- 020 266 1362 (Procurement)
- 0715 50 58 58
- 0731 62 02 66
See also
- Chuka University
- Chuka University Student Portal
- Chuka University Admission Letter
- Chuka University Grading System
- Chuka University Fee Structure
- Chuka University Application Form
- Chuka University Contacts and Location