Kabarak University Online Application Forms 2025/2026 For Undergraduate and Postgraduate students download the form and apply now in Kabarak University. If anyone of you unable to download the form then collect them from the university offices.

Kabarak University Online Application Form
Student always should check the Kabarak university official website for latest Application forms and further details. The application forms are available from the Admissions offices or website. Applicants should complete forms and return to authorized offices.
How to download the application forms?
To download the form you need to access the Kabarak University Student Portal. However, you may download the form in the following ways.
- STEP 1: Download Kabarak University Application form for Undergraduate OR Postgraduate.
- STEP 2: Duly completed forms should be returned to any of the below offices with non-refundable fee as follows:
- Undergraduate – Kshs.1000
- MBA – Kshs.1500
- Bridging – Kshs.500
STEP 3: Once you get your Admission Letter, download the fee structure from the university website.
For any clarification please contact Student Finance via email: student finance @kabarak.ac.ke or through mobile: +254 705 184 373
University offices for Application Form
If anyone of you unable to download the form then collect them from the university offices.
The Admissions Office
Kabarak University
Private Bag-20157, KABARAK
Nakuru-Eldama Ravine Road
Tel. 020-2114658 / 0729-223370
Fax. 051-343012
admissions@ kabarak.ac.keThe Director
Kabarak University
Nakuru Town Campus
Nakuru-Kabarak Road
Tel. 051-2215549 / 0726-415541
Fax. 051-343012
nakurutowncampus@kabarak.ac.keThe Director
Kabarak University
Nairobi Campus
Trans- National Plaza 3rd Floor,
City Hall Way
nairobicampus@kabarak.ac.The Director
Kabarak Online
Private Bag-20157, KABARAK
Nakuru-Eldama Ravine Road
Tel. 020-2114658 / 0729-223370
Fax. 051-343012
kabuo@ kabarak.ac.ke
See also:
- Kabarak University
- Kabarak University Grading System
- Kabarak University Graduation List
- Kabarak University Fees Structure
- Kabarak University Admission Requirements
- Kabarak University Online Application
- Kabarak University Admission Letters Download
- Kabarak University Student Portal
Check Other Latest Topics
- University Address
- Admission Requirements
- Application Form
- Course Details
- Examination
- Fee Structure
- Fees Structure
- Graduation List
- Hostels
- Intake
- Joining instructions
- Results
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