KEMU Wiki : Kenya Methodist University The KemuWiki helps students to access various documents online. Now a das the university has changed the name of WIKI to Library. So all students should check for KemuLibrary instead of KEMUWiki.

Kenya Methodist University is a Christian institution whose mission, among others is to develop a wholesome individual, in terms of spiritual, mental and physical well-being. All students of KeMU are expected to uphold high moral and ethical values expected of them by this Christian based institution irrespective of their religious affiliation.
KeMU wiki has a vast of information resources that are selected, acquired/subscribed, processed, and maintained as guided by a comprehensive collection development policy to support University’s academic and research programs.
- General Reading Information Materials: Comprises core textbooks and other general reading books on the open shelves which may be borrowed for use outside the wiki.
- Short Loan Collections: These are books that are in high demand and are usually recommended by lecturers. Users are allowed to use them within the wiki for the duration of 3 hours.
- Reference Collections: Includes dictionaries, handbooks, encyclopedias, almanacs, atlases, bibles, and directories. These materials are used within the wiki.
- Serials: Collections of print academic journals, newspapers, magazines and other periodicals. These materials are used within the wiki.
- Audio Visual Collections: Collection includes videotapes, CDs, audiotapes, maps, charts and flashcards. User can borrow specified AV materials for 2 days.
- Special Collections: This comprises of Cultural Artifacts (Meru), Africana Collections, Postgraduate Theses & Dissertations, KeMU Publications, Government Publications, National and International Organization’s Publications. Most of these materials are used within the wiki while some can be accessed online.
- E-resources: This collection comprises of online books and journals that are accessed via the internet. Also available is online past examination papers. The user requires a username and password to access these resources.
See also
- Kenya Methodist University
- KEMU Student Portal 2 Link
- Kenya Methodist University Courses Offered
- Kenya Methodist University Application form
- Kenya Methodist University Admission Letters
- KEMU Wiki Kenya Methodist University
- KEMU Graduation List 2025
- Kenya Methodist University Exam Results
- Kenya Methodist University Transcripts
- Kenya Methodist University Grading System and GPA
- KEMU Campus Location